Scanpower Customer Trust
The Scanpower Customer Trust was formed in 1993 as a consequence of the passing of the Energy Companies Act 1992. The five Trustees hold the shares of Scanpower Limited on behalf of customers connected to the company’s electricity network. While the Trustees have no day-to-day input into the management of Scanpower, they are diligent in ensuring that the best interests of customers are served.
The Trustees appoint Directors to the company’s board. They also review in advance and approve the company’s annual Statements of Corporate Intent. These statements set out the guidelines that the company agrees to operate within, and its annual performance targets. The Directors report to the Trustees on a formal basis twice per year, in addition to providing monthly updates and board minutes.
The Trust works in harmony with the Directors to ensure that a secure and reliable supply of energy is delivered throughout the district at a price that is acceptable to the customer. The Chief Executive of the company attends meetings of the Trust in a relationship management capacity.
The Trust ensures the cost of electricity to customers is minimised by directing Scanpower to distribute any financial surplus back to the customers in the form of discounts on an annual basis. Scanpower Limited also pays a annual dividend to the Trust that is solely intended to cover its costs of operation.
The ownership structure of Scanpower is reviewed periodically by the Trustees of the Scanpower Customer Trust. The most recent review was completed in December 2023 and highlighted a 98.1% customer preference for retaining the status quo. Correspondingly, the Trustees concluded that the current trust ownership model would continue at least until the time of the next review, which will occur no sooner than December 2030 and no later than December 2032. A copy of the 2023 Ownership Review Report can be downloaded from this page under the Trust Disclosures section.
Elections for all positions on the Trust are held every three years. The next election will take place in April 2027.
Scanpower Customer Trust is a member of the Energy Trusts of New Zealand. At ETNZ website ( are links to the sites of other customer trusts in New Zealand.